Students have two options in these classes to choose from:
Taking just EE491 without a related EE492 is not allowed.
EE491-492 option is not only for group projects. An individual can also choose an individual project spanning over two semesters.
Students who want to follow EE491-492 project option should choose one of the projects suggested by the faculty and contact the principal investigator (PI) of that project. After agreeing with the PI on the project, students register to the EE491 class. They can receive consents for EE491 after requesting consent and bringing a project proposal signed by the PI. For this, students write a project proposal (one for each project) on the format given on the website. Students should make the PI sign their project proposal. They should return the proposals to the department's senior design project advisor before the deadline specified on the website. The advisor goes over each proposal and approves them unless there is a major problem with the project. Then, the advisor assigns two evaluation committee members to each project. These two people and the PI are responsible for reading and grading project reports, presentations and the work done. The advisor records the names of the students, PIs, evaluation committee members and the titles of the projects and announces them on the website under the title “Ongoing Projects”.
Students who do not follow EE491-492 project option have to choose EE492 individual projects because this class is mandatory. In order to get registration consents for EE492, students should agree with a faculty member on a project first. They should write its proposal and have the PIs sign it before they can get registration consent and register. They return their project proposals to the department's senior design project advisor. The advisor goes over them. Upon the approval of the project proposals, registration consents for EE492 are given. Then, the advisor assigns two evaluation committee members to each project. These two people and the PI are responsible for reading and grading project reports, presentations and the work done. The advisor records the names of the students, PIs, evaluation committee members and the titles of the projects and announces them on the website under the title “Ongoing Projects”.
Students who have chosen EE491-492 projects should submit their midterm reports online in the middle of the fall semester (Deadline is specified on the website). They should submit their semi-annual reports (soft-copy only) online and present their semi annual presentations towards the last day of the finals period (Deadlines are specified on the website). Reports are due on the last week of the finals. Presentations are done on the week after the last final. They will submit an online final report and have a final presentation. (Deadlines are specified on the website). It is mandatory for all students to attend all the presentations. By the time projects are over, they would submit a project proposal, two midterm reports and two final reports and they would make a semi-annual and a final presentation.
Students who have chosen EE492 individual projects should submit their midterm reports online in the middle of that semester (Deadline is specified on the website). They should submit their final reports online again and make their final presentations. (Deadlines are specified on the website). Reports are due on the last week of the finals. Presentations are done on the week after the last final. It is mandatory for all students to attend all the presentations. It is mandatory for all students to attend all the presentations. By the time projects are over, they would submit a project proposal, one midterm report and one final report and they would make one presentation.
The final grades for individual EE492 projects and EE491-492 group projects are sent to the senior design project advisor by the PIs before the last day of the online grade submission.
Grading of Midterm and Final Reports of the EE491-492 Projects
Students submit their reports online before the deadlines which are announced on the class website under title “Schedule”. The senior design project advisor can break points if the reports are late or their formats are wrong. Then, the reports are given to the PIs and evaluation committee members of the projects for grading. PI and evaluation committee members read the reports, grade them and write their comments and return the corrected reports to the students. Midterm reports are only read and graded by PIs. PIs tell the grade of the projects to the senior design project advisor.