Suggested Projects

MODBUS RTU communication protocol implementation on TM4C123

Principal Investigator (PI)

Mehmet Akar –




Description of the project:

The The purpose of this project is to develop embedded software that implements MODBUS communication with a TMC123 processor. With the protocol implementation, it should be possible not only to read data from the processor, but also to modify desired system parameters.


IEC60870-5-103 communication protocol implementation on TM4C123

Principal Investigator (PI)

Mehmet Akar –




Description of the project:

The purpose of this project is to develop embedded software that implements IEC60870-5-103  communication with a TMC123 processor. With the protocol implementation, it should be possible not only to read data from the processor, but also to modify desired system parameters.


IRIG-B protocol implementation

Principal Investigator (PI)

Mehmet Akar –




Description of the project:

The purpose of this project is to design a circuit that allows IRIG-B communication. Software should also be developped to test that communication is possible with another IRIG-B device.


PRU Software Development for Continuous Data Acquisition using ARM335x processors

Principal Investigator (PI)

Mehmet Akar –




Description of the project:

The purpose of this project is to develop embedded PRU libraries that can be used for continuous sensor measurements using an ARM335x development board. The PRU firmware should  allow capture of multiple  ADC channels at desired sampling rates upto 10KHz. The CPU use should be minimized so that ample time is left to actually deal with the data. It is also desired that dropped readings be reported.


Inrush Current Detection and Filtering using Harmonic Techniques

Principal Investigator (PI)

Mehmet Akar –




Description of the project:

The purpose of this project is to detect and filter inrush currents that arise due to transformer energization. Algorithms to be developed should be implemented in Matlab SIMULINK to test the efficacy of the proposed techniques.


Benchmarking GNNs for Brain Connectomes

Principal Investigator (PI)

Burak Acar -




Description of the project:

The purpose of this project is to investigate how to effectively design graph neural networks (GNNs) for brain connectomes to identify different stages of dementia. Brain connectomes are simplified descriptions of brain regions and their inter-connections organizing the human brain, hence it is a graph. Recently GNNs have gained increasing popularity for modeling graph data. Despite the promising results in many fields, how to design effective GNNs for brain connectomes to classify dementia stages is an open question. The project will investigate the use of GNNs for identifying different stages of dementia, such as SCI, MCI and AD, from brain connectomes. Structural and functional brain connectomes will be used in this project.

Approach and Methodology:

The project is offered to one student. The first phase of the project is a learning phase where the student is expected to learn the theoretical basis of GNNs. A strong mathematical and coding background are required to reach the goals. This first phase also includes learning the implementation of the different GNN architectures with Python libraries. The second phase will be an experimental stage where the student will compare different GNN architectures, different feature selections etc. to effectively design GNNs for structural and functional connectomes to classify dementia.

Expected Results and Accomplishments:

At the end of the project, it is expected to get an insight into the different GNN models, how to build GNNs for brain connectomes, and how to preprocess brain connectomes to make them suitable for GNNs.


Blind Source Separation for Neuroscience

Principal Investigator (PI)

Burak Acar -




Description of the project:

The purpose of this project is to investigate the potential of Blind Source Separation (BSS) in identifying cognitive subnetworks in human brain. Brain is thought to operate in terms of subnetworks, ie. multiple regions co-operate in fulfilling certain tasks. These subnetworks are believed to be sparse and overlapping, meaning that they are composed of few number of brain regions and that each brain region can be simultaneously active in more than one operation. The project will investigate the use of BSS in identifying such subnetworks via decomposing nodal (cortical) signals into the underlying source signals which are associated with distinct subnetworks. The brain signals may well be fMRI/BOLD, EEG, MEG, etc.

Approach and Methodology:

The project is offered to multiple students. The first phase of the project is a learning phase where the student(s) is(are) expected to learn the theoretical basis of BSS and major matrix factorization methods relevant to BSS, namely PCA, ICA, NMF and PMF. A strong mathematical background and interest in theory is required to reach the goals. This first phase also includes implementation and application of the above methods to signals of the student’(s) choice to get hands on experience.

The second phase will be differentiated for each participating student. Based on the number of student(s) taking the project one or more of the following problems (or any similar problem that may be defined in due course) will be addressed:

          BSS on fMRI/BOLD and/or EEG signals with sparsity constraint on mixing matrix and comparison to known functional brain subnetworks.

          Application of information maximization methods, adopted from PMF, to brain network (connectome) factorization

          Optimum polytope (PMF) for fMRI/BOLD and/or EEG source signals

          Effect of signal sample size and number of source signals on BSS for   fMRI/BOLD and/or EEG signalsExpected Results and Accomplishments:

Expected Results and Accomplishments:

At the end of the project, it is expected to get an insight into the functional organization of brain from a signal decomposition perspective, as opposed to pure graph theoretical approaches where the signals are used to build graphs/networks and not utilized further. Such source signals and associated subnetworks can potentially serve as diagnostic biomarkers.


Generating Fake Image Data for Unseen Cases Using Image Based Defect Detection Model Training

Principal Investigator (PI)

Burak Acar -




Description of the project:

A common bottleneck in training deep ANN models for detection of certain structures (not objects) in images is the lack of training data. Depending on the application domain, these structures of interest can be defects in industrial products or disease related structures (eg. tumors) in medical images. The purpose of this project is to design, implement and test deep ANN models for generating fake training image data for training defect detection networks. The project has 2 subtasks:

1.         Design and train a generative model to generate fake positive samples of a previously seen type of defected / diseased images for which negative samples are also available.

2.         Design and train a generative model to generate fake positive samples of a previously unseen (yet a similar) type of defected / diseased images for which only negative samples are available.

Positive samples: Images with defects / diseases

Negative samples: Images without defects / diseases

Approach and Methodology:

          Search for available open datasets and determine an application domain

          Literature survey on generative deep ANN models, most prominently VAEs and GANs.

          Design, implement and test a deep ANN model to address the first problem above.

          Design, implement and test a deep ANN model to extend the first solution to address the second problem above.Expected Results and Accomplishments:

Expected Results and Accomplishments:

It is expected to improve deep defect detection model training with few training samples by augmenting the data set with fake samples.


Graph Neural Networks for Graph Classification and Application to Brain Connectomes


Principal Investigator (PI)

Burak Acar -




Description of the project:

This project aims to investigate new class of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) : Graph Isomorphism Inspired Neural Networks. These type of models leverage Weisfeiler-Lehman Graph Isomorphism test in order to increase the expressive power of GNNs and offer a novel way to deal with graph classification tasks. Theoretical background of such GNNs will be explained and classification performance on different common datasets will be compared in this work.

Approach and Methodology:

Among Graph Isomoprhism Inspired Neural Networks, two popular model will be chosen and implemented : Graph Isomorphism Network (GIN) and Folklore Graph Neural Network (F-GNN). These two GNN model will be experimented on common datasets including chemical compunds (MUTAG,Proteins,etc.) and social networks (IMDB,Reddit,etc.). They will also be used in the classification of structural brain networks, i.e. to distinguish patients with different clinical labels.

The student is expected to use Julia programming language and relevant packages.

Expected Results and Accomplishments:

At the end of the project, it is expected to demonstrate the pros and cons of the two architectures in different tasks including brain network classification.


Dual X-ray Image Generation From a Single Image for Material Discrimination Purposes


Principal Investigator (PI)

Burak Acar -




Description of the project:

Material discrimination in cargo scanners using dual energy x-ray is a well-known method. Despite its theoretical simplicity, the practical application has several obstacles to tackle with. The major ones are wide energy spectrum of x-ray sources, overlapping objects, detector sensitivity and fan-beam geometry. These are dealt with using approximations. Modern ANN approaches offer a black-box approach to material discrimination which is limited by the training set and has shown acceptable performance in a recent VAVlab – TUBITAK project. The purpose of this project, on the other hand, is to achieve material discrimination using mono-energy scanners, by means of ANNs. The project involves working in collaboration with TUBITAK-BILGEM. Despite the common goal and data, this project is intended to pursue an alternative method to the TUBITAK-BILGEM team in a mutually supportive collaboration.

Approach and Methodology:

The approach to be pursued in this EE492 project has 2 stages:

1. Train a deep NN to generate the second (high/low energy) x-ray image from a given (low/high energy) image using GAN training. The generator thus obtained will be used to artificially complete the “pair of dual energy images”.

2. The real (low/high energy) x-ray image and its artificially generated (high/low energy) pair will be fed into a material discriminator ANN and the whole pipeline will be trained end-to-end.

X-ray simulators and real scanner images will be available. The coding will be done in Python, though it is not a requirement.

Expected Results and Accomplishments:

At the end of the project, it is expected to demonstrate an acceptable material separation performance using a single x-ray image and report on the challenges.


Brain Connectome Factorization using Deep N


Principal Investigator (PI)

Burak Acar -




Description of the project:

The purpose of this project is to adapt and apply deep matrix factorization methods to brain connectomes for the purpose of learning basis connectomes and low dimensional connectome representations.

Approach and Methodology:

This project falls in the field of medical image analysis will be run in parallel with of the BRAINet project series at VAVlab. The human brain structural and functional connectome factorizations have recently been proposed in a PhD thesis at VAVlab. This project involves adapting and applying a recently proposed deep matrix factorization method (Deep Non-Negative Matrix Factorization Architecture Based on Underlying Basis Images Learning, Zhao et al., IEEE PAMI, 43(6), 2021) to brain connectome factorization problem.


The project will use data from the spectrum dementia. Public data as well as VAVlab’s own data will be used. The discriminative power (across the continuum of dementia) of the learned low dimensional brain connectome representations, as well as the medical relevance of the learned basis networks is expected to be assessed as the project output.

Expected Results and Accomplishments:

At the end of the project,

1.    Deep NMF will have been adapted and applied to brain connectomes,

2.    A learned brain connectome space will have been proposed,

3.    The novel set of basis brain networks learned and will have been compared to the recent set of networks that were proposed in a recent PhD thesis,

4.    Discriminative power and clinical relevance of the learned connectome space will have been discussed

Should the project be completed successfully, the project results can potentially be published.


Topic Models and Their Application on Different Data Types


Principal Investigator (PI)

Burak Acar -




Description of the project:

The aim of this project is to implement topic models on different data types for clustering.  Latent Dirichlet Allocation(LDA) and Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) methods will be the major focus of the project. These algorithms are to be implemented for image processing and text mining to cluster the data. Further purpose of the project is to investigate whether topic models can be used on brain images to identify functional regions in brain.


Approach and Methodology:

This project falls into the field of topic modeling, which is a probabilistic modeling, on diferent data types (image and text data for this project). Topic modeling provides methods for automatically organizing, understanding, searching, and summarizing large electronic archives. In this project LDA and NMF literature will be reviewed. Mainly, the hidden themes that pervade the collection of images and text data will be discovered and the data will be annotated according to those themes based on LDA and NMF algorithms using Python. As to further implementation of those algorithm, brain images will be studied and related literature will be reviewed. In this context, the models are to extract a set of neural “topics”, where each topic corresponds to a functional brain region. For each topic, the model provides a description of its spatial extent (captured via probability distributions over neural activation) and cognitive function (captured via probability distributions over linguistic terms). The efficiency of these models in providing a novel approach for jointly identifying the spatial location and cognitive mapping of functional brain regions will be investigated. There will be weekly project meetings.

Expected Results and Accomplishments:

When completed, this project is expected to provide:

1.    a model and/or models that organize and cluster image and text data,

2.    efficiency investigation of those models to identify functional regions of brain.

3D Cortex Parcellation

Principal Investigator (PI)

Burak Acar -




Project Class(es): EE491/2

Number of students: 1

Description of the project: The purpose of this project is to improve the 3D human brain cortex parcellation by means of joint structural and functional segmentation and registration. The goal of cortex parcellation is to achieve structurally compact and plausible, functionally homogeneous 3D segmentation of the human brain cortex using multi-modal MRI data. The project involves elastically and iteratively refining an existing cortex parcellation by maximizing the intra-parcel correlation of fMRI BOLD signals.

Approach and Methodology:

This project falls in the field of medical image analysis will be run in parallel with of the BRAINet project series at VAVlab. The BRAINet platform and preprocessing routines provide 3D co-registered T1w MRI, T2w MRI, fMRI and parcellation map (Destrieux atlas). The project involves applying elastic free-form deformations on the parcellation map to maximize intra-parcel BOLD signal correlation (using fMRI data), constrained to be on the cortex (by comparison with T1w and T2w images). A literature survey on 3D elastic registration / deformation methods will be followed by choosing an appropriate algorithm, implementing it on BRAINet platform (C++, Linux) and running on sample data. The student is expected to join regular BRAINet meeting at VAVlab and collaborate with graduate students.

Expected Results and Accomplishments:

At the end of the project, it is expected to have

1.    A novel method for structurally compact and plausible, functionally homogeneous 3D segmentation of the human brain cortex,

2.    A detailed report on the effects of new parcellation on the human brain connectome parameters.


Should the project be completed successfully, the project results will be publishable in a high-profile conference, leading potentially to a journal paper.

Comparison of Deterministic and Probabilistic Tractography in Brain Connectome Analysis

Principal Investigator (PI)

Burak Acar -




Project Class(es): EE491/2

Number of students: 1

Description of the project: The purpose of this project is to compare the use of deterministic streamline tractography (RK4), SMT and probabilistic tractography on brain connectomes of healthy individuals. Streamline tractography is the basic deterministic tractography approach that generates artificial fibers representing brain connections. Probabilistic tractography, on the other hand generates maps of connectivity between any 2 points in the brain without explicitly depicting any connection. SMT (Split and Merge Tractography), on the other hand,  is a hybrid method of deterministic and probabilistic tractography on dMRI (Diffusion MRI) data, that follows the MCMC approach. The project aims at comparing these algorithms’ effects on brain connectome (network) in terms of the network parameters.

Approach and Methodology:

This project falls in the field of medical image analysis will be run in parallel with of the BRAINet project series. As part of this project, the SMT algorithm is to be improved by higher order diffusion models, a state-of-art probabilistic tractography algorithm will be implemented, RK4, SMT and probabilistic tractography algorithms are to be compared wrt human connectome parameters. The algorithms will be implemented in BRAINet platform (C++, Linux). There will be weekly project meetings in addition to the monthly TUBITAK project meetings to which the student is expected to attend.

Expected Results and Accomplishments:

At the end of the project, it is expected to have

1.    A reliably and efficiently running tractography module under BRAINet platform,

2.    A detailed report regarding the the pros/cons of three different tractography approaches on brain connectome analysis.


Should the project be completed successfully, the project results will be publishable in a high-profile conference, leading potentially to a journal paper.

Predictive energy management in textile processes

Principal Investigator (PI)

Mehmet Akar –




Traditional energy management systems monitor and report energy flow and cost. On the other hand, predictive energy management, which takes action long before limits are hit, can be employed in textile dyeing/finishing processes, not only to minimize production disruptions, but also energy costs. An interesting problem in this context is to avoid electrical and gas peaks that substantially increase financial expense. Additionally, it might be quite advantageous to take decisions based on varying electricity prices during the day.

The objective of this project is to develop a predictive energy management software module that will balance energy loads.  As an example, the system may be configured with parameters for gas and electricity load per time period.

In developing the predictive energy management software module, some of the tasks that have to be handled are listed below:

-         Determine the optimal energy management schedule for nominal conditions

-         Determine conditions under which a critical steam load is encountered

-         Determine and execute the best set of actions with the least impact on production time and cost, when a critical steam is detected (e.g., production processes can be altered during production runtime to run alternatively, without influencing quality and planning. The action chain might include dosing systems, hot water boilers, machine tanks, the step of each active machine program, production process situation, etc)


-         You are expected to develop software in MATLAB and possibly using big data tools.

-         You are expected to have/acquire knowledge on systems theory, signal processing and artificial intelligent techniques.

-         You may need to conduct some field tests with ELIAR. It will be required to allow time for these experiments.

If you are interested, please do not hesitate to contact Prof. Mehmet Akar.

Phone: +90 212 359 6854

Predictive maintenance of textile dyeing and finishing machines

Principal Investigator (PI)

:  Mehmet Akar –


:  2017-2018/1


: Textile dyeing and finishing machines require regular maintenance of various components including sensors, actuators, PLCs and software. Unforeseen downtimes on production machines may adversely affect production schedules and increase operation cost.

The objective of this project is to develop a software module that will manage the required data, predict and plan maintenance actions and manage interaction with daily production planning. This predictive maintenance planning is to be carried out by analyzing system data from PLCs and from any other available sensors.

In developing the predictive maintenance software module, the following tasks will have to be handled:

-         Develop and implement cyber-physical model of the product machine

-         Investigate mathematical models of reliability in the literature

-         Implement maintenance rules supplied by the manufacturer or any calibration rule that may be required

-         Develop and implement a predictive maintenance plan by data analysis


With the predictive maintenance software module implemented as part of the Manufacturing Execution System, longer and more reliable machine availability is expected, which will in turn translate into cost minimization benefits.


-         You are expected to develop software in MATLAB and using big data tools.

-         You are expected to have/acquire knowledge on systems theory, signal processing and artificial intelligent techniques.

-         You may need to conduct some field tests with ELIAR. It will be required to allow time for these experiments.

If you are interested, please do not hesitate to contact Prof. Mehmet Akar.

Phone: +90 212 359 6854


Dyeing quality estimation based on machine and fabric type

Principal Investigator (PI)

Mehmet Akar –




The manufacture of textiles is not only a major global industry but also one of the main components of the local economy. This project is on textile coloration processes. More specifically, given a coloring machine, recipe, and fabric type, the objective of this project is to develop a software module that will decide whether fabric dyeing is as desired.

This prediction module is to be realized by analyzing system input and output measurements based on machine learning tools.

In developing the software module, the following tasks will have to be handled:

-         Collect input/output data relevant to the prediction module

-         Implement alternative techniques and compare their performances

-         Investigate the applicability of big data analysis tools

-         Decide whether correct dyeing is achieved


The output of this software module can be utilized to optimize dyeing procedures by removing the need to take samples which will in turn reduce production time. Additional improvement can be achieved by skipping some of the subsequent stages for incorrectly dyed fabric.


-         You are expected to develop software in MATLAB and using big data tools.

-         You are expected to have/acquire knowledge on systems theory, signal processing and artificial intelligent techniques.

-         You may need to conduct some field tests with ELIAR. It will be required to allow time for these experiments.

If you are interested, please do not hesitate to contact Prof. Mehmet Akar.

Phone: +90 212 359 6854

Auto-identification of PMSM Electrical Parameters

Principal Investigator (PI)

Mehmet Akar -




Field oriented control of a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) is the algorithm very often exploited in today’s advanced motor control drives. The electrical parameters such as stator resistances, synchronous inductances and pole pairs of PMSMs are required to adapt the PI controller gains in order to get the desired performance. The objective of this project is to automatically identify the electrical parameters of PMSMs, rather than measuring them using devices such as RLC meters. Profile: - Scope for graduate degree students in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. - You must be interested in embedded hardware and software design. - You must have knowledge about digital signal processing. - You may need to conduct some experiments in the laboratories which are located on Arcelik Cayirova Washing Machine Plant. It will be required to allow time for these experiments. If you are interested, please do not hesitate to contact Prof. Mehmet Akar. Phone: +90 212 359 6854

Sensor Design for Conductivity and Turbidity Detection

Principal Investigator (PI)

Mehmet Akar -




Conductivity and turbidity sensors are generally exploited to assess the quality of water. The main purpose of this project is to design an integrated sensor which detects detergent and soil level in the water. At the end of this project, it is expected to get an integrated sensor which is compact as much as possible. Profile: - Electronics board design and testing, embedded software development. - You must have knowledge about digital signal processing. - You may need to conduct some experiments in the laboratories which are located on Arcelik Cayirova Washing Machine Plant. It will be required to allow time for these experiments. If you are interested, please do not hesitate to contact Prof. Mehmet Akar. Phone: +90 212 359 6854

Precise Detection of the Amount and the Position of the Unbalanced Load in the Laundry Using Accelerometers

Principal Investigator (PI)

Mehmet Akar -




Determining the unbalanced loading conditions of a drum of a washer or washer-dryer is beneficial to protect the system. The width of a washer’s body is fixed in a commonly used appliance and the depth of the body varies according to the declared capacity of the washing machine and the drum volume. The market trends increasingly lead to implement more capacity declaration in a standard body, which forces the producers to fit bigger size drum and tub in the fixed standard body. Consequently, the distance between the tub and body is reduced day by day. For this reason, the mechanical vibrations of the mechanical system should be controlled in a more precise way to prevent the touch of the tub to the body. According to the determined unbalanced load, the electronic control card may decide the maximum allowable spinning speed of the drum to prevent any damage to the system. Moreover, before the machine switching over to a very high spinning speed, the imbalance of the drum must be estimated very well to keep the machine secure. In the spinning cycle, the imbalance of the drum can result in too much vibration which can move the machine or enforcing the mechanical endurance of the rotating part. The purpose of this senior design project is to determine the imbalance of the drum using accelerometer(s). At the end of the project, it is expected to get a highly reliable systemdetermines the amount and position of the unbalanced load in the drum. Profile: - You must be interested in embedded systems software. - You must have knowledge about digital signal processing. - You may need to conduct some experiments in the laboratories which are located on Arcelik Cayirova Washing Machine Plant. It will be required to allow time for these experiments. If you are interested, please do not hesitate to contact Prof. Mehmet Akar. Phone: +90 212 359 6854

Developing Algorithms for Determining the Loading Conditions of a Laundry Total Load and Unbalanced Load Discrimination of a Laundry in a Washing Machine Drum

Principal Investigator (PI)

Mehmet Akar -




Determining the loading conditions of a drum of a washer or washer-dryer is beneficial in order to optimize the washing or drying procedure(s). According to the determined unbalanced load, the electronic control card may decide the maximum allowable spinning speed of the drum to prevent any damage to the system. If the total load amount is known, water and detergent amount for washing can be modified or drying duration can be optimized. The knowledge of total load and unbalanced load makes it possible to obtain optimal washing results in terms of cleaning/drying and energy. Moreover, before the machine switches over to a very high spinning speed, the imbalance of the drum must be estimated very well to keep the machine secure. In the spinning cycle, the imbalance of the drum can result in too much vibration which can move the machine or enforcing the mechanical endurance of the rotating part. Last but not least, in case of high imbalance in the drum, the consumed current and power changes dramatically over the spinning cycle and this may shorten the life duration of the electronic parts. The purpose of this senior design project is to develop and test the algorithms to determine the total load and the unbalanced load concentration of the laundryin the drum.At the end of the project, it is expected to get a highly reliable algorithm that determines the total load and the unbalanced load. Profile: - You must be interested in embedded systems software - You must have knowledge about control systems theory and digital signal processing - You may need to simulate the loading conditions in MATLAB. Thus, familiarity with MATLAB is required. - You may need to conduct some experiments in the laboratories which are located on Arcelik Cayirova Washing Machine Plant. It will be required to allow time for these experiments. If you are interested, please do not hesitate to contact Prof. Mehmet Akar. Phone: +90 212 359 6854

Hardware Development for Electronic Stethoscope

Principal Investigator (PI)

Yasemin Kahya -




Pulmonary sounds are traditionally diagnosed with stethoscopes which have limited frequency response. Depending on the model and manufacturer of the stethoscope, the response is limited to a frequency range between 100 Hz to 200 Hz and usually falls off at a rate of 30 dB per octave. On the other hand, a computerized pulmonary sound acquisition system developed in our laboratory, LAL, the frequency repsonse extends up to 2000/4000 Hz with a flat response. The aim of this project is to build two separate sound acquisition systems and compare the output both audibly and on a display regarding the presence of adventitious sounds such as crackles and wheezes.

Software Development for Electronic Stethoscope

Principal Investigator (PI)

Yasemin Kahya -




Pulmonary sounds are traditionally diagnosed with stethoscopes which have limited frequency response. Depending on the model and manufacturer of the stethoscope, the response is limited to a frequency range between 100 Hz to 200 Hz and usually falls off at a rate of 30 dB per octave. On the other hand, a computerized pulmonary sound acquisition system developed in our laboratory, LAL, the frequency repsonse extends up to 2000/4000 Hz with a flat response. The aim of this project is to develop a MATLAB program that will simulate a traditional stethoscope and compare the recorded sounds using the two systems in terms of the lung sound content and adventitious lung sound (such as crackles and wheezes) content.

Li-Po Battery Monitor and Control Circuit for Minik Robots

Principal Investigator (PI)

H. Işıl Bozma -




Li-Po Battery Monitor and Control Circuit for Minik Robots

Dimmable LED Driver Design and Implementation

Principal Investigator (PI)

H. Işıl Bozma -




Dimmable LED Driver Design and Implementation

Two Dimensional ElectroChemical Micropatterning using Electrode Array

Principal Investigator (PI)

Şenol Mutlu -




Electrochemical deposition inside a microfluidic channel will be simulated using a finite element analysis software (COMSOL) for specific diffusion and reaction boundary conditions. Based on this knowledge, a PCB with multiple electrodes will be used to pattern desired shapes by electrochemical deposition.

Energy Harvesting Using Thermoelectric Cooler or Heater

Principal Investigator (PI)

Şenol Mutlu -




Energy harvesting capacity of a commercial thermoelectric cooler or heater will be tested and characterized. The generated energy will be regulated using a simple analog circuit to supply power to a commercially available RF transmitter.

Location Tracker

Principal Investigator (PI)

H. Işıl Bozma -




The purpose of this project is to design and implement hardware that can be used to track the position and possibly orientation of a robot. The tracking will be based on sending messages to a central collector device. One student will be responsible for the hardware (design, building and programming) while the second student will be responsible for processing the transmitted data appropriately and letting authorized people to track the robot. The first part requires hardware skills while the second part will require programming skills.

Comparison of Object Recognition Approaches

Principal Investigator (PI)

H. Işıl Bozma -




The purpose of this project is to apply several state-of-the-art object recognition approaches in classifying and detecting objects in a given scene or set of scenes and compare their performance. The classification problems seeks answer to the question "Does the given image contain any instances of a particular objects?". The detection problem seeks answer to the question "Where are the instances (if any) of an object in this image?". The approaches are the winner approaches in the Pascal competition that was held upto 2012. The students need to have intermediate to advanced level of programming skills (C++) as well as some experience with image processing.

Autonomous Referee for Small Size Football League

Principal Investigator (PI)

Mehmet Akar -




The purpose of this project is to develop a vision-based program so that the need for presence of an active human referee decreases or vanishes during matches. The project is being supported and proposed by Technical and Executive Committees of SSL league of Robocup Federation. The designed software should use SSL shared vision to detect all objects, do tracking and decide accordingly. Through the project the students will learn about many topics such as vision-based programming, software development, OpenCV, OpenGL, QT. Note that this project is a long term (2 semester) project and it is expected that students communicate with other research teams (in other international institutes) working on this topic.

Design and Programming of Low Level Controller of an Autonomous Robot

Principal Investigator (PI)

Mehmet Akar -




The aim of this project is to program a Digital Signal Controller (DSC) so that it can act as a low level controller of an autonomous robot. The robot is a small size football player which is designed in our department. On the robot, the DSC is responsible for controlling the speed of five BLDC motors, IR sensors, ball kicking and communication with high level controller. Through this project, the student(s) will learn about principles of microprocessors and controllers, C programming language, controller design, fundamental of electrical motors.

Detection and Localization of Small-Sized Soccer Player Robots Using Kinect

Principal Investigator (PI)

Mehmet Akar -




The very first aim of this project is to test the ability of detection, localization and controlling multiple autonomous soccer player robots using Kinect motion sensors. Then, a preliminary software should be designed for detection and localization of robots and the ball. Also, it should interpret the position data for each team's high level controller. C and C++ are the main programming languages in this project along with OpenCV and OpenNI libraries.

Hand-Controlled Omni-Directional Autonomous

Principal Investigator (PI)

Mehmet Akar -




The purpose of this project is to control an autonomous robot using a bare hand where the hand movement is being detected by a camera and its movements are interpreted by an interface program for the robot so that it can move or perform different tasks. Developing feasible methods for hand detection in diverse positions, controlling autonomous robot, implementing a Kalman filter for delay compensation, etc. are matters of interest. The programming languages to be used are C++, Visual C# .Net and Matlab. Additionally, OpenCV / OpenNI will be required for vision related programming. The expected outcome of the project is that two persons play air hockey using their both hands and four autonomous robots with the ability of shooting a ball.

Squash Playing Robots

Principal Investigator (PI)

Mehmet Akar -




The purpose of this project is to design a multi-agent robotic system which is capable of playing a Squash game. Consider two (or more) robots that can play Squash with each other by shooting a ball to a wall. The robots should be able to move freely in 2-D space. Path planning, motion control and prediction, localization, obstacle avoidance, strategy planing and intelligence play are matters of interest. A simulator software should be designed in the first step with the intention of simulating the robot's behavior. In the next step, the simulator will be turned to a high level controller and strategy planner for the robots. Motion control and prediction methods, Kalman filter and path planning algorithms are primary tools which need to be implemented. Visual C# .NET and MATLAB will be adopted for programming, simulation and software design. The algorithms are expected to be implemented on SSL autonomous robots that are originally designed to play football.

Comparison of the Split-Step method for Various Power Spectral Models

Principal Investigator (PI)

Heba Yüksel -




In this project, atmospheric turbulence effects will be modeled using a split-step approach to numerically solve the parabolic wave equation. Atmospheric turbulence effects are modeled by a number of phase screens. These phase screens are generated on a numerical grid of finite size, which corresponds to a narrow spatial area of atmospheric turbulence. In previous works, the Modified Kolmogorov spectrum has been used in the modeling. In this project, different spectral models will be used and the effect of the model on the results will be investigated. Simulation results will be compared with other simulation models.

Regenerating images distorted by Atmospheric Turbulence

Principal Investigator (PI)

Heba Yüksel -




Effects on images deformed by atmospheric turbulence usually show themselves as geometric distortion or space and time-varying blurring in addition to the noise. In this project, these two effects are mitigated through two separate image processing procedures. Considering video frames as distinct samples of images, an optical flow estimation is used to discard the geometric distortion with non-local regularization. Then a spatial invariant blind deconvolution is applied to eliminate the blurring kernel. The invariancy is obtained through an overlapping patch division and construction of a diffraction-limited blurred image. In addition to these operations, a sparse regularization is applied to denoise the input images. The result image will be free from the diffraction-limited blur with geometric deformations discarded in the first step.

A single-channel pulmonary sound signal transmission to computer over Bluetooth

Principal Investigator (PI)

Yasemin Kahya -




Communicating a single-channel pulmonary sound signal to the computer over Bluetooth (BLE113 and WT12 (both from Bluegiga) modules and their development kits are available)

Flow inspiration and expiration estimation

Principal Investigator (PI)

Yasemin Kahya -




Flow (inspiration and expiration) estimation, on the level of phase estimation (waveform itself is not pursued, but only the timings of inspiration and expiration are to be found).

Extracting reference spectrum Using pulmonary sound signals

Principal Investigator (PI)

Yasemin Kahya -




Extracting a reference spectrum for healthy subjects and comparing it with those of different pathological cases, using the pulmonary sound signals acquired at 4 locations on the chest wall (the healthy and pathological data bases are readily available, therefore no additional data acquisition will be required for this project)

Wireless and Batteryless Motion Sensing Systems

Principal Investigator (PI)

Şenol Mutlu -




Purpose of this project is to realize a wireless and batteryless smart sensor system that can run and communicate by generating energy from frequent daily motions. For this purpose, electromotive force, which is induced on a coil by a neodymium magnet inside a toroid that has a winded coil on is going to be used. Instant speed value will be deduced from the change of the induced power with respect to position. Speed value will be transmitted with an RF signal at 868 MHz after digitized with a low power electronic circuit that will be developed for this purpose. For transmission purposes, a commercial transmitter circuit will be used, which can work with an electromagnetically generated power and can send its own identification and sensor information. A wireless and batteryless system that can both harvest energy and measure instant velocity from the harvested energy has not been demonstrated before. This way, speed information that comes with daily motions can be tracked by a computer with existing software at present and necessary statistical studies can be done in the future.

Microwave Resonator Based Biosensor

Principal Investigator (PI)

Hamdi Torun -




The aim of this project is to develop a biosensor using a microwave resonator. Selective adsorption of biomolecules on the surface of the resonator induces changes in electrical characteristics of the resonator. The change is measured to assess the concentration of biomolecules. Successful implementation of the project requires design of the resonator and simulating resonator parameters. The devices will be printed on a PCB and proof of principle experiments will be conducted using predetermined molecules already available for the project.

Electromagnetic Manipulator for Magnetic Microparticles

Principal Investigator (PI)

Hamdi Torun -




The aim of this project is to develop an electromagnetic manipulator. The manipulator comprises electromagnets that allow manipulating magnetic microparticles such as microbeads and nanowires in liquid. Successful implementation of the project requires design of the electromagnets, having them manufactured and implementing control strategies to manipulate microparticles. Magnetic microparticles are available for the project.

Computer Interface for a Voltammetry or Amperometry Device

Principal Investigator (PI)

Yasemin Kahya -




Voltammetry and amperometry are electrochemical methods to detect and measure small concentrations of substances in solution. This project involves designing a computer interface for a previously made voltammetry/amperometry device. There is no time limitation for the project, and junior/senior students can start right away. Tasks: a) Establish a connection between the analog outputs of the existing device and a PC by using a data-acquisition card. b) Program the data-acquisition card (preferably in Matlab) for obtaining readings from the device. c) Process the readings by filtering and statistical analyses. d) Design a user panel screen. e) Plot results from a chemical titration, generate and print a report. Contact: Prof. Dr. Yasemin Kahya (EE Dept.,, tel: 212 3596851) Doç. Dr. Burak Güçlü (Biomedical Eng. Inst.,, tel: 216 5163467)


Principal Investigator (PI)

Yasemin Kahya -




Motivation - Crackles and wheezes are adventitious sound components superimposed on background pulmonary sounds (explosive and musical in character, respectively), and are associated with certain pulmonary diseases (e.g., crackles with pneumonia and wheezes with asthma). Their spectral (e.g., pitch for crackles, main frequency component for wheezes) and temporal (e.g., count and place of occurences in one flow cycle) characteristics play important role in diagnosis. Aim - To be able to count them or extract their spectral and temporal characteristics, the first step, therefore the aim of this project, is to detect crackles or wheezes individually. For this purpose, suitable time-frequency transformations, spectral estimation methods, and decision algorithms will be used in the scope of the project. Either crackle or wheeze detection problem can be chosen by the student (suitable for the signal processing option)

FLOW PHASE DETECTION Hardware and Software

Principal Investigator (PI)

Yasemin Kahya -




Motivation - An inspiration phase followed by an expiration phase is called a flow cycle and is measured to synchoronize the pulmonary sound data acquired on the chest wall. It is measured at the mouth via a differential pressure transducer, however it adds to the pysical load of the whole system. To simplify the system, a hardware and/or software solution to detect inspiration and expiration phases from the pulmonary sound data is aimed to be designed. Aim - The hardware part will include a single channel (or two-channel) pulmonary sound acquisition circuitry with a processor to detect inspiration and expiration phases; and the software part will include the algorithm design and code implementation for this purpose. The project can either be assigned to a group of two students, or be divided and assigned as two independent projects (suitable for both electronics and signal processing options).

Development of a Wi-Fi Automated Performance Test Package

Principal Investigator (PI)

Mutlu Koca ve Mehmet Akar




Automated performance test package that performs wireless tests to established values for packet error rate, average throughput etc. using iPerf, or another software such as the Ruckus evaluation tool. This project will be conducted in collaboration with Airties.

Development of a WiFi Coverage Map

Principal Investigator (PI)

Mutlu Koca ve Mehmet Akar




A Heat Map application that shows coverage maps of multiple access points laid out on a floor plan. The application allows the user to input a floor plan and wall information to generate a floor map. Then the user inputs AP locations on the floor map. The application receives RSSI information from multiple access points, calculates attenuation and draws a coverage map. This project will be conducted in collaboration with Airties.

Development of a WiFi Diagnostic Platform Tool

Principal Investigator (PI)

Mutlu Koca ve Mehmet Akar




A real time Wi-Fi A Diagnostic Platform Tool for real-time WiFi channel occupancy statistics gathering. The tool generates a history of channel access, scans multiple channels simultaneously using channel hopping. This project will be conducted in collaboration with Airties.

Evaluation of Energy Harvesting Wireless Switches and Sensors

Principal Investigator (PI)

Şenol Mutlu -




Wireless and batteryless switches and sensors that receive energy from their surroundings will be investigated. Mechanical, solar and thermal energy sources will be studied. A commercially available wireless and batteryless energy harvesting hardware will be evaluated.

Visualization of Electromagnetic Fields Using A Ferromagnetic Fluid

Principal Investigator (PI)

Şenol Mutlu -




A ferromagnetic fluid containing magnetic micro / nano particles will be used to visualize electromagnetic fields around coils. Coils will also be electrically driven to generate different 3D shapes on the fluid.

Generating Lighting Effects Using 3D LED Cube

Principal Investigator (PI)

Şenol Mutlu -




LEDs will be placed in three dimensions to form a cube. Each LED will have a x,y and z coordinate. By turning on and off LEDs in a predetermined fashing, a three dimentional lighting effects will be created.

Realization of a Stroboscope Using a Flashing Power LED

Principal Investigator (PI)

Şenol Mutlu -




A stroboscope is an instrument used to make a periodically moving object appear to be stationary. It can be used for the study of rotating or vibrating objects. In this project, this instrument will be realized using a periodically flashing power LED. The flashing frequency should be adjustable and displayed.

On-Off Keying Modulator Design

Principal Investigator (PI)

Ahmet Öncü -




The purpose of this project is to design a special kind of on-off keying modulator for life detection systems used in rescue and biomedical instrumentation applications. This on-off keying modulator is just a slightly modified version of a normal on-off keying modulator. The main idea is the same, the signal is passed or suppressed, but in this special design, we do not have data. We will have a square wave as an input which has a period around 1ms. We need the modulator to be in the ON state just after the rising edge of the input for a duration, namely D. For the rest of the cycle, the modulator should be in the OFF state. The duration D will be around 2ns, but we should be able to control this duration. The carrier frequency will be around 4GHz, but we want the modulator to work without problems for 2GHz to 7GHz.

Fully Differential Biquad Filter Design

Principal Investigator (PI)

Ahmet Öncü -




The purpose of this project is to design a fully differential biquad filter for life detection systems used in rescue and biomedical instrumentation applications. The filter will have two corner frequencies. The lower corner frequency should be around a few mHz and it should suppress the zero-frequency noise at least 70dB. The upper corner frequency should be tunable between 10Hz and 100Hz. Main concerns for the designer will be achieving high zero-frequency unwanted signal suppression and a low noise design with high CMRR and PSRR.

Sonar Signal Processing

Principal Investigator (PI)

H. Işıl Bozma -




The purpose of this project is to develop a sophisticated processing algorithms and tools for sonar signal processing. The student undertaking the project will work with a sonar signal processing hardware and software system that has been designed and developed in ISL.

Multirobot Exploration Using Minik Robots

Principal Investigator (PI)

H. Işıl Bozma -




The purpose of this project is to integrate the Minik robots with sensors and use the whole team in a multi-robot scene acquisition task. The acquisition will be made with cameras mainly, and the exact robot localization will be found by using a ground truth which will be developed by the student. This acquisition is expected to end in a dataset formed by Minik robots. The students need to have intermediate to advanced level of programming skills as well as some experience with sensors.

Multirobot Simulation Server

Principal Investigator (PI)

H. Işıl Bozma -




The purpose of this project is to develop control and analysis software for a previously designed multirobot simulation environment that also has a web-based interface. The first part of the project will involve getting the simulators running. The second part of the project will involve implementing some of these algorithms on the EDAR IIG robots.

Synchronisation of Flashing Electronic Oscillators

Principal Investigator (PI)

Yağmur Denizhan -




The purpose of this project is to build a system of flashing electronic oscillators suitable for studying the synchronisation of coupled oscillators. The project is inspired by various examples of synchronisation observed in the nature, including that of the flashing rhythm of fireflies.


Principal Investigator (PI)

Arda Yalçınkaya -




The aim of this project is to design an IR optical receiver system using discrete components. This receiver system will be used in an optical transmission system which is a part of an MRI catheter localization architecture. Following tasks will be performed by the student: (1) Literature study about photodiodes and photodiode amplifiers (2) Characterization of IR photodiodes and extraction of equivalent circuits (3) Design of the photodiode amplifier using ADS simulation tool (4) PCB implementation of the photodiode amplifier and realization of the optical receiver system


Principal Investigator (PI)

Arda Yalçınkaya -




The purpose of this project will be designing an Infra-Red laser driver in 0.18um triple-well CMOS technology. The driver will be used in an optical transmission system which is a part of an MRI catheter localization architecture. Following tasks will be performed by the student(s): (1) Literature study about lasers and CMOS laser drivers (2) Characterization of IR Lasers and extraction of equivalent circuits (3) Design of CMOS laser driver using ADS simulation tool (4) Drawing the layout of the circuit (5) Verification of the design by post-layout simulations


Principal Investigator (PI)

Arda Yalçınkaya -




This project will deal with design and implementation of an ultra low noise amplifier with sub 1-dB noise figure in 0.18um triple-well CMOS technology. The amplifier will be used to process the magnetic resonance imaging system operating at 3 Tesla. It is important to design both the amplifier and the receive antenna which play efficient roles in increasing the signal-to-noise ratio of the overall receiver block. Following tasks will be performed by the student(s): (1) Literature study about low-noise amplifiers and basic MRI operation (2) Design of the ULNA using an RF circuit simulation tool (3) Drawing the layout of the circuit (4) Verification of the design by post-layout simulations

Electrochemical Etching of Steel Using Nano Second Pulses for Nano Patterning

Principal Investigator (PI)

Şenol Mutlu -




Electrochemical etching can be very precise if 10V pulses of around 10 ns duration is applied between the steel substrate and the counter electrode that are separated by a sub-micron gap. In this project, an experimental setup will be used to implement this method. Results will be analyzed under light and scanning electron microscopes.

Photodiode Characteristics of LEDs and Their Applications

Principal Investigator (PI)

Şenol Mutlu -




Light Emitting Diodes(LEDs)are diodes that emit light. At the same time they work very inefficient photodiodes. In this project photodiode properties of LEDs will be measured using semiconductor parameter analyzer. Light sensitivity of the LEDs will be determined. Based on these properties, smart circuits will be built using only LEDs that will be turned on automatically when the ambient light becomes dark.

Texture Defect Detection by Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transformation and Gaussian Mixture Model

Principal Investigator (PI)

Ayşın Ertüzün -




The purpose of this project is to apply complex wavelets to the defect detection problem. The texture fueatures will be extracted using dual-tree Complex Wavelet transformation which will be followed by Gaussina-mixture –model based classifier which labels textile images as defective or non-defective. The results of dual-tree complex wavelts will be compared with those of real wavelets.

Development of Algorithms for Decision Fusion

Principal Investigator (PI)

Ayşın Ertüzün -




Once the distributed detection algorithms have been developed and analyzed, the decision fusion will be concentrated on. Most approaches in multiple-sensor based detection in current use rely on a centralized scheme, where the individual sensors transmit the recorded data to a central detector, which then makes a decision. This is particularly true for current systems for the detection of earthquakes. An alternative to centralized detection is a decentralized scheme, where a set of local detectors is used to compile individual decisions. The decisions from all systems are then forwarded to a fusion center, which compiles the overall decision. The objective of this project is to investigate the use of Bayesian inference for decision fusion. This motivates the use of particle filters for posterior probability based fusion.. In this project we will concentrate on decision fusion algorithms which will reduce the false alarm and the misdetection rate in the context of early detection of earthquake.

Distributed Detection Using Particle Filters

Principal Investigator (PI)

Ayşın Ertüzün -




Distributed detection in impulsive noise environments remains an open problem. The presence of impulsive (heavy-tailed) noise can cause conventional techniques to break down. Hence robust detectors are required. These techniques should perform near optimally in the Gaussian case and should not degrade significantly if the underlying noise distribution changes. Most current detection algorithms assume the Gaussian distribution. The objective of this project is to consider distributed detection in a non-Gaussian environment and develop suitable detectors at the nodes of the sensor network. We intend to solve the distributed detection problem using Bayesian inference and the applicability of sequential Monte Carlo estimation, namely, the relevance of particle filters to this problem will be analyzed.

Multi-Robot Exploration Using Minik Robots

Principal Investigator (PI)

H. Işıl Bozma -




The purpose of this project is to integrate the Minik robots with sensors and use the whole team in a multi-robot scene exploration task. The students need to have intermediate to advanced level of programming skills as well as some experience with sensors.

Computer Based LED Control

Principal Investigator (PI)

H. Işıl Bozma -




The purpose of this project is to design and develop the electronics and software for computer based control of a LED based lighting system. The student should have intermediate to advanced electronic circuit design and debugging capabilities as well as some experience with microprocessor/ FPGA programming skills.

2D Realization Server

Principal Investigator (PI)

H. Işıl Bozma -




The purpose of this project is to develop control and analysis software for a previously designed for automated inspection of PCBs in order to expand the capabilities of the system – including multi-platform image acquisition and learning. The student needs to have intermediate to advanced C/C++ programming skill

Automated PCB Inspection

Principal Investigator (PI)

H. Işıl Bozma -




The purpose of this project is to develop control and analysis software for a previously designed for automated inspection of PCBs in order to expand the capabilities of the system – including multi-platform image acquisition and learning. The software will have two parts: 1- Hardware control, image acquisition and processing. 2- Graphical User Interface. The students need to have intermediate to advanced C/C++ programming skills.


Principal Investigator (PI)

Arda Yalçınkaya -




This project aims to integrate the fiber cables of 125 micron diameter with a microfabricated Silicon platform for optical communication and power transmission. Such a system is a crucial ingredient of the optically powered receiver to be used in magnetic resonance imaging system. Since metals are heated in the presence of RF magnetic fields, the reciever which is held in the MRI dequipment has to communicate with external equipments using optical (i.e. conductor free) paths. Following tasks will be performed by the student: * Litterature study about fiber optic alignment, photodiodes and LEDs * Optical design of the proposed system * Design of lithography masks for KOH etch process * KOH etch of Silicon substrates * PCB Base for wire bonding and CMOS IC / Fiber platfor integration * Optical measurments for power and signal transmission


Principal Investigator (PI)

Arda Yalçınkaya -




This project will deal with design and implementation of an ultra low noise amplifier with sub 1-dB noise figure. The amplifier will be used to process the magnetic resonance imaging system operating at 3 Tesla. It is important to design both the amplifier and the receive antenna which play efficient roles in increasing the signal-to-noise ratio of the overall receiver block. Following tasks will be performed by the student: * Litterature study about low-noise amplifiers and basic MRI operation * Design of the ULNA using ADS simulation tool * PCB implementation of the circuit * Measurement of the characteristics of the amplifier using Vector Network Analyzer and Noise Figure Meter


Principal Investigator (PI)

Arda Yalçınkaya -




Scanned light beams are used to produce display images for a wide variety of applications, including such applications as automotive head-up displays and head-worn displays. A micromirror producing angular motion is used to deflect a modulated light beam on an image plane to create a display. In order to construct a two-dimensional rasterlike rectangular image, the mirror is rotated about two orthogonal axes at different frequencies. In this project, we aim to produce a 2D laser scanner composed of 2 different materials, namely glass and FR4. The design will aim a slow-scan (horizontal-scan) frequency of 60 Hz (polymer part) and a fast-scan (vertical-scan) frequency of 8 kHz and above (glass part). Following tasks will be completed: * A litterature search on glass wet eching/micromachining techniques * Process characterization of glass substrates * 2D scanner design and simulations * Layout design of the photomasks for fabrication * Fabrication of glass MEMS structure and integration with polymer substrate * Characterization of the device

Digital Rights Protection Project: Measuring the Performance of Existing Fingerprinting Methods

Principal Investigator (PI)

F. Kerem Harmancı -




This project is about digital rights management of images. The objective is to test the performance of existing fingerprinting techniques for collusion resistance and detection performance under different geometric attacks such as rotation, scaling, cropping and translation. Fingerprinting enforces digital rights whereby unique labels, known as digital fingerprints are inserted (watermarked) into the image prior to distribution.

Collaborative Control Applications in Mobile Robot Networks

Principal Investigator (PI)

Mehmet Akar -




The objective of this project is to advance the current state of the BRocks team which competed in Robocup 2009 that was held in Austria. RoboCup is a competition platform whose ultimate goal is to develop a team of fully autonomous humanoid robots that can win against the human world champion team in soccer by the year 2050. Competitions are held in various categories, including SSL in which the competitors build their own robots. We are looking for motivated students who are willing to carry out their 491/492 projects in one of the following areas: 1) PCB design and development (electronics or controls option) 2) Image processing (communications or controls options) 3) brushless DC motor control and higher level strategy development.

Coordinated Motion of 3D Particles Robot Flocks and Protein Folding

Principal Investigator (PI)

H. Işıl Bozma -




The purpose of this project is to study the motion of particles in 3-dimensional space with two applications in mind: motion planning of a flock of robots and protein folding. The student(s) will be participating in an ongoing MS project which has been studying the problem for some time and using/will be doing code development on a Java-based simulator designed and built with this purpose.

Automated PCB Inspection

Principal Investigator (PI)

H. Işıl Bozma -




The purpose of this project is to work on a system that has been previously designed for automated inspection of PCBs in order to expand the capabilities of the system – including multi-platform image acquisition and learning.

Tracked EDAR-G3 Robot

Principal Investigator (PI)

H. Işıl Bozma -




The purpose of this project is to work on the systems development of our third generation tracked robot EDAR G3. This will be a coordinated effort with a group of ME students.The student(s) will be responsible for getting the EDAR electronics (main CPU card, driver cards, dc motors for the linear and rotational motion) into working status.

Computer Based LED Control

Principal Investigator (PI)

H. Işıl Bozma -




The purpose of this project is to design and deveop the electronics and software for computer based control of a LED based lighting system.

Power-line based Remote Device Access

Principal Investigator (PI)

H. Işıl Bozma -




The purpose of this project is to design and deveop the electronics and software for power-line based remote device access via X10 protocol.

Design and Realization of Low-Power Low-Noise Amplifiers

Principal Investigator (PI)

Arda Yalçınkaya -




The low noise amplifier (LNA) is a special type of electronic amplifier used in communication and medical systems to amplify very weak signals. The low power LNA is one of the main components of medical systems. The use of discrete components in LNA design is problematic due to various parasitic effects caused by interconnections between components. On the other hand, when a specific LNA design is needed, I:C design can be time consuming and expensive. In this project a low power LNA will be designed by using discrete circuit components and the design will be compared with IC counterparts. The aim of the project is investigating low power LNA design and their possible use in medical systems. During the project, student needs to complete the following tasks: - Literature search about low power LNA design - Determination of the frequency and power characteristics of the LNA - Design and SPICE simulations of various LNA topologies (incorporating the circuit parasitics) - Circuit realization and test of designed LNAs - IC Layout of the designed LNA and post layout simulation and comparisons

Design and Realization of Laser-based Optical Energy Scavenging Systems

Principal Investigator (PI)

Arda Yalçınkaya -




Energy scavenging is the process by which energy is captured and stored. A variety of different sources exist for scavenging energy, such as solar power, thermal energy, wind energy, salinity gradients and kinetic energy. Solar energy scavenging is a common and well known optical energy scavenging method. On the other hand, laser based optical energy scavenging systems, which can be used in various portable applications or/and medical applications, are rare in literature. In this project, an electrical circuit which is powered by a laser-based optical energy scavenging system will be designed. In the project lasers will be used as the power source. The optical power will be converted to the electrical power by the photodiodes in order to be used in an electric circuit. The aim of the project is investigating the laser-based optical energy scavenging methods and stating their advantages or disadvantages over the other energy scavenging systems, such as capacitive energy scavenging. During the project, student needs to complete the following tasks: - Literature survey of energy scavenging systems - Design and SPICE simulations of various voltage and current multiplier configurations - Circuit realization and test of designed voltage and current multipliers - Design and SPICE simulations of an optical energy scavenging system (incorporates the voltage (or current) multiplier) - Circuit realization and test of designed optical energy scavenging system - Design of a test circuit which powered by realized scavenging system.

Design and Fabrication of a PolymerLED integrated miniaturized MEMS Display

Principal Investigator (PI)

Arda Yalçınkaya -




Light emitting Diodes in which organic compounds are used as the emitting layer material are known as an Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED). To function as a semiconductor, the organic emitting material must have conjugated pi bonds. The emitting material can be a small organic molecule in a crystalline phase, or a polymer. Polymer materials can be flexible; such LEDs are known as PLEDs or FLEDs. Compared with regular LEDs, OLEDs are lighter, and polymer LEDs can have the added benefit of being flexible. Today, OLEDs have been used to produce visual displays for portable electronic devices such as cellphones, digital cameras, and MP3 players. In this project, In this project, a miniaturized MEMS display will be designed and fabricated. The design will aim a slow-scan (horizontal-scan) frequency of 60 Hz and will consider the integration of OLED with MEMS actuator. During the project, student needs to complete the following tasks: - Design of the MEMS actuator analytically - Finite Element MEthod (FEM) simulations of the device - Layout design of the photomasks for fabrication - OLED layout design and fabrication - OLED and MEMS actuator integration

Analog and Digital LED Driving & Modulation Methods

Principal Investigator (PI)

Arda Yalçınkaya -




LEDs are widely used as indicator lights on electronic devices and increasingly in higher power applications such as flashlights and area lighting. In this project LEDs are integrated on a MEMS actuator and to create together a novel type of minituarized display. MEMS actuator functions as 1D scanner in vertical axis at 60HZ of scanning frequency. A LED array integrated on this actuator will be modulated approximately at 8kHz to create an horizontal scan axis in order to be able to produce a 2D MEMS miniaturized display. There will be two distinct parts of this project. LED dies will be driven and modulated using both analog and digital methods. At the end of the project, these methods will be compared regarding their performance and fabrication convenience. As for the digital driving and modulation, the student will do the followings: - MAX6946 LED driver development board tests; - Learn MAX6946 working principles and programming techniques. - Making a PCB using MAX6946 and SMD LEDs (or LED dies,wire bonding included!); - Power calculations and measurements. - Current vs Luminance measurements using integrating sphere. - Contrast ratio calculations and measurements. For the anolog part: - Designing an analog LED driver/modulator; - Simulations and calculations - Making a PCB using discrete active and passive components, SMD LEDs(or LED dies,wire bonding included!); - Power calculations and measurements. - Current vs Luminance measurements using integrating sphere. - Contrast ratio calculations and measurements.

Simulated and Experimental Study of Boost Converter Using Sliding Mode Control

Principal Investigator (PI)

Okyay Kaynak -




A boost converter (step-up converter) is a power converter with an output DC voltage greater than its input DC voltage. The purpose of this project is to design a sliding mode controller for a Boost Converter and implement it on hardware by using a dSPACE card. The project will consist of two main stages: 1. Simulation studies of the overall (open loop and closed loop) system and open loop hardware design and its implementation, 2. Closed loop control of the hardware by using a dSPACE card.

Efficient Wireless Video Transmission for home entertainment systems

Principal Investigator (PI)

Emin Anarım -




Project PIs: Emin Anarim, Tolga Kurt (Airties), Mutlu Koca, Mehmet Akar. Wireless video distribution in home networks is one of the upcoming trends of home entertainment systems. One of the major problems in wireless video distribution over Wi-Fi networks is interference. Wireless video unlike data have very low tolerance to jitter and delay. Therefore, interference should be avoided as much as possible. Among the available channels, the best one should be selected automatically without affecting the existing streaming video transmission. This selection and channel change procedure should be effectively handled in multi-hop mesh networks utilizing IEEE 802.11n standard. Airties Wireless Networks and Boğaziçi University will be investigating these issues in a joint project. The research and development activities related to the project. Specific research topics can be listed as follows: · Interference avoidance in single-hop wireless video distribution · Interference avoidance in multi-hop wireless video distribution · Optimizing transmission modes for wireless video · Analyzing further issues with wireless video distribution · Generating sub-products to the wireless video roadmap The project is made up of three phases: the preliminary investigation in the first two months, the test and analysis in the second two months, followed by the development in the final stage.


Principal Investigator (PI)

Arda Yalçınkaya -




Scanned light beams are used to produce display images for a wide variety of applications, including such applications as automotive head-up displays and head-worn displays. A micromirror producing angular motion is used to deflect a modulated light beam on an image plane to create a display. In order to construct a two-dimensional rasterlike rectangular image, the mirror is rotated about two orthogonal axes at different frequencies. In this project, a micro-mirror to be fabricated using a steel machining process, will be designed. The design will aim a slow-scan (horizontal-scan) frequency of 60 Hz and a fast-scan (vertical-scan) frequency of 4 to 8 kHz. In this project, student needs to complete the following tasks: - Design of the mirror scanner analytically - Finite Element MEthod (FEM) simulations of the device - Layout design of the photomasks for fabrication

Portable Laser Projector

Principal Investigator (PI)

Şenol Mutlu -




In this project an already micromachined steel micro mirror will be used to form a 2D image using a laser-diode and the necessary optics. The steel micro mirror is actuated electromagnetically. The mirror is designed so that it can scan both in x and y directions depending on the frequency of the applied electrical signal. As the mirror is actuated, it steers the laser beam to form a 2D image on a wall. Circuits needed for the actuation of the micro mirror and circuits needed to drive the laser have already been implemented. In this project, students need to do the following: -To form a USB link between a computer and the portable laser projector. -To prepare a GUI (Graphical User Interface) on the computer. The pictures or texts displayed on this GUI will be projected on a wall by the laser projection system. -To design a compact package that houses the micro mirror, laser and the necessary lens.

Design of a Small Electric Monopole or a Magnetic Dipole Antenna

Principal Investigator (PI)

Heba Yüksel -




The purpose of this project is to develop an electric monopole or a magnetic dipole small antenna using a simple design. An electrically small antenna would also contain an inductor to reduce the operating frequency without enlarging the size of the antenna. Similarly the operating frequency of a magnetic small antenna can be controlled with the use of capacitors. The antennas can be made of pure copper or they can be processed on the Roger 5880 Duroid plate which is covered by copper with the thickness of 17ƒİm. During the design process, Ansoft HFSS and Ansoft Designer softwares will be used extensively for the optimization of the design at the desired resonant frequency of the antenna. Ansoft HFSS is a software which allows the user to draw three dimensional antenna samples and then run their radiation simulations. The simulation results should contain information about the 2D and 3D radiation patterns of the structure, the S-Parameters in a logarithmic scale, and the radiation efficiency or the directivity of the antenna. The Ansoft Designer needs to be used for the simulations when the antenna structure contains lumped circuit elements such as resistors, capacitors or inductors.

Analyzing Turbulence in a One Meter Water Tube For Free Space Optical Communication Applications

Principal Investigator (PI)

Heba Yüksel -




Direct line-of-sight optical communication links, which are commonly called “optical wireless” systems or free space optical (FSO) communication links are becoming increasingly popular. Such links can provide virtually unlimited bandwidth at a relatively low cost and high performance communication over short distances up to a few kilometers. Unfortunately, the atmosphere is not an ideal communication channel. Atmospheric turbulence can cause fluctuations in the received signal level, which increase the bit errors in a digital communication link. In order to quantify the performance limitations, a better understanding of the effect of the intensity fluctuations on the received signal at all turbulence levels is needed. The purpose of this project is to develop an experimental setup to analyze turbulence and aperture averaging of a He-Ne Laser Beam propagating through a heated 1-meter water tube emulating 1km of free space. The setup will give the convenience of controlling the turbulence level in a lab setting through adjusting the water temperature instead of relying on the height above the ground or the air temperature in a free-space setting. The turbulence index parameter Cn2 should be very different for water than it would be for air, but the effect of the receiver size on power variance “Aperture Averaging”, should exhibit similarities in both scenarios.

An Optical Multi-Touch Sensor Implementation

Principal Investigator (PI)

Heba Yüksel -




The purpose of this project is to develop a novel multi-point optical touch sensor using a simple design. A touch sensor can be developed using LEDs, plastic optical fibers, photo-detectors, and a micro-controller. The sensor should use the micro bending concept of optical fibers in a two dimensional mesh orientation where the bends of the fibers are comparable to its radius so that energy coupling and radiation occurs into the cladding at the bending regions. As a result bends act as “sensing points” for human touch since the power absorbed by the human skin at these points will decrease the power received at the end of the fiber.

A Geometrical Optics Approach for Modeling Aperture Averaging in Free Space Optical Communication Applications

Principal Investigator (PI)

Heba Yüksel -




Intensity scintillation and beam wander caused by atmospheric turbulence are two significant phenomena that affect free space optical (FSO) communication links. Intensity fluctuations at the receiver lead to a received power variance that depends on the size of the receiver aperture. Increasing the size of the receiver aperture reduces the power variance. This effect of the receiver size on power variance is called aperture averaging. If there were no aperture size limitation at the receiver, then there would be no turbulence-induced scintillation. In practice, there is always a tradeoff between aperture size, transceiver weight, and potential transceiver agility for pointing, acquisition and tracking (PAT) of FSO communication links. The purpose of this project is to develop a geometrical simulation model to predict the aperture averaging factor and beam wander of a Gaussian beam propagating through a simulated turbulent medium.

Image Analysis of Intensity Scintillation Patterns on a Free Space Optical Communication Link

Principal Investigator (PI)

Heba Yüksel -




Even after several decades of study, inconsistencies remain in the application of atmospheric turbulence theories to experimental systems, and the demonstration of acceptable correlations with experimental results. An imaging system for measuring the effects of atmospheric turbulence and obscuration on a free space optical (FSO) communication link has been constructed. A He-Ne laser beam propagates over a range of 863 meters in atmospheric turbulence conditions that vary diurnally and seasonally from weak to strong. A high performance digital camera with a frame-grabbing computer interface is used to capture received laser intensity distributions at rates up to 30 frames per second and various short shutter speeds, down to 1/16,000s per frame. In this project, a LabVIEW code should be developed to analyze the captured image frames from the given FSO link to evaluate the turbulence index parameter Cn2, temporal and spatial intensity variances, and aperture averaging. Such analysis should be compared with existing theories for the development of new theories.

Bayesian Texture Defect Detection

Principal Investigator (PI)

Ayşın Ertüzün -




The purpose of this project is to apply Bayesian concepts to automated quality inspection more specifically to defect detection problem in textile images.

Texture Defect Detection by Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transformation

Principal Investigator (PI)

Ayşın Ertüzün -




The purpose of this project is to apply complex wavelets to the defect detection problem. Complex wavelets will be compared with real wavelets. They both will be used for extracting features from images and for image classification to label defective images.

CCA Based Texture Defect Detection

Principal Investigator (PI)

Ayşın Ertüzün -




The purpose of this project is to apply Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) concepts to automated quality inspection more specifically to defect detection problem in textile images.

Measuring Rotation Rate and Accleration of an Object Using Gyroscopes and Accelerometers

Principal Investigator (PI)

Şenol Mutlu -




Gyroscopes and acceloremeters are part of inertial sensors. Gyroscopes measure rotation rates. Accelerometers measure acclerations. In this project, using commercially available MEMS gryoscopes and accelerometers, rotation rate and accleration of an object will be measured. Electronic readout circuit for these inertial sensors will be made on a PCB. Measurements made with the circuit will be transfered to a computer. A grafical user interface (GUI) will be implemented to display these measurements real time on a computer. For example if you rotate the object, on which the sensors are, a virtual object on the computer will simultaneously rotate at the same rotation rate as the real object.

Inductively Coupled Wirelessly Powered Light Emitting Diodes and Sensors

Principal Investigator (PI)

Şenol Mutlu -




The purpose of this project is to develop an inductively coupled wireless system. The first simple system will power a light emitting diode wirelessly that is couple centimeters away. The second system should be able to power up a wireless circuit that has no battery and should be able to read the digital or the sensor data stored in that circuit. This system is similar to RFID systems.

Speech recognition driven reading tutor

Principal Investigator (PI)

Murat Saraçlar -




The purpose of this project is to develop a reading tutor that uses automatic speech recognition to verify the user inputs. The tutor should provide feedback, encouraging students, and pointing out mistakes. The underlying speech recognizer should be accurate enough to judge the correctness of the inputs.

Digital Oscilloscope Adapter Unit for a PC

Principal Investigator (PI)

Avni Morgül -




The purpose of this project is to produce a digital storage oscilloscope to operate as an adapter to any PC. The project consists of three tasks:

i) Design and construct a 9-bits or 10 bits Analog-to-Digital converter block with high input impedance and high speed.

ii) Design and construct a USB interface between the A/D converter hardware and PC and writing the necessary software modul for the interface.

iii) Writing the high level software on the PC to display the waveforms and do the necessary measurements and calculations (Frequency, amplitude, RMS, FFT etc.)

Design and Implementation of Log-Domain Analog Filter Structures

Principal Investigator (PI)

Oğuzhan Çiçekoğlu -




Log-domain filters are a sub-class of externally linear internally non-linear (ELIN) filters. In this class of filters the signal is processed in a nonlinear way, usually in compressed form to avoid distortion due to large signal peaks. However the input output transfer function is a linear transfer function. In this type of filters it is possible to build analog filters employing only bipolar transistors and capacitors. Therefore very simple filter structures are possible. Mainly two techniques are well-known in the literature.

The purpose of the project is to design several biquadratic filters in the log domain using the well-known techniques. The designed filters will be tested and improved if necessary. The designs will be compared with those in the literature, discussed and improvement possibilities will be studied.

ELIN filters attract increased attention since electronic components are themselves nonlinear and this non-linearity is directly used in the designs. The design philosophy is therefore completely different from the classical approach that was dominant in the last few decades.

Improved Design of Chaotic Circuits

Principal Investigator (PI)

Oğuzhan Çiçekoğlu -




Description of the project: The purpose of this project is to investigate the operation of various chaos-generating circuits in the literature. Chaotic signal generation circuits find application in secure communication instrumentation. Chua circuit, piecewise linear Rossler circuit, hysteretic circuit, piecewise linear Duffing, 2 attractor circuit and others will be built in the laboratory and tested. Improvement and simplification possibility of these circuits will be taken into consideration. The possibilities to modify some circuit parameters in an analog manner will be investigated. Next step is to design and propose alternative circuits to those well known. Comparison in terms of various performance parameters is to be made.

Solutions for Signal Limitations in Current Conveyor Based Filters

Principal Investigator (PI)

Oğuzhan Çiçekoğlu -




Description of the project: Current conveyor based analog filters are attracting increasing attention due to their inherent wide bandwidth and greater linearity. They are accepted to be alternatives to the well-known opamps. Many current conveyor based analog filters are presented in the literature and still newer circuits are proposed. Due to the advances in the technology toward low voltage low power systems signal limitation problem is today more important than in the past. Decrease in the supply voltages reduce the peak-to-peak voltage swing possibility whereas the noise floor remains nearly constant. The dynamic range is reduced and this in turn reduces the signal processing quality of the filters.

Nonlinear Systems Analysis and Control Tool Kit

Principal Investigator (PI)

Yağmur Denizhan -




The purpose of this project is to develop a series of computer programs that allow the simulation of nonlinear systems, accomplish some typical tasks (like estimation of local dynamics, detection of equilibrium points and periodic orbits, computation of Lyapunov exponents etc.) needed for the analysis of nonlinear systems and allow the application of some typical nonlinear control methods. The resulting tool kit will be used in graduate courses on analysis and control of nonlinear systems (like SCO 591 and EE 591), as well as a simulation frame in MS and PhD theses on related areas.

Design and implementation of GSM blocking circuit

Principal Investigator (PI)

Avni Morgül -




The purpose of this project is to design and realize an electronic circuit to jam and block the operation of GSM portable phones in classrooms, conference halls, theaters etc..

Automatic Speech Recognition of Turkish Broadcast News using Open Source Software

Principal Investigator (PI)

Murat Saraçlar -




The purpose of this project is to develop an automatic speech recognition system using open source software. The system will be trained and tested using the Turkish Broadcast News corpus being collected at BUEE. The performance of the system will be compared with our best system trained on the same corpus.

Background wideband noise measurement and evaluation for UWB applications

Principal Investigator (PI)

Mutlu Koca -




The purpose of this project is to measure and calculate long time fluctuations and average of the background noise of different frequency bands and different environments.

EM Field measurement in primary schools which are very close to transmitters and GSM Base stations

Principal Investigator (PI)

Avni Morgül -




The purpose of this project is to measure long time fluctuatins and average of the electromagnetic pollution at a number of primary schools located near the Base stations and TV transmitters.

Spinning Display (Spindis)

Principal Investigator (PI)

Şenol Mutlu -




The purpose of this project is to produce a flat display with a simple method. The method is to attach a small Light Emitting Diode (LED) display on a rotating plate. As the plate rotates, the LEDs are turned on and off in a calculated manner to display a TV quality image. According to the text and/or image information, a micro processor calculates which LEDs will be on and off as the display panel rotates with a constant angular velocity of w. The rotation is achieved with a motor.

Smart House

Principal Investigator (PI)

Levent Arslan -




The purpose of this project is to build the electrical and software infrastructure for a smart house. Possible pieces may include a centrally controllable lighting system, microphone array design for voice recognition and speech synthesis to interact with the appliances, entertainment system which allows individual configurations in different rooms.

A Simulation Platform for Robot Football

Principal Investigator (PI)

Mehmet Akar -




The purpose of this project is to develop a software package that allows the simulation of two robot teams playing football against eachother. The simulator should allow modules for control, communication and vision information to be transmitted to and from the robots.

Brain Computer Interface

Principal Investigator (PI)

Bülent Sankur -




The purpose of this project is to develop electronic devices and/or signal processing tools for understanding the functioning of the brain during cognitive and emotional tasks. The first goal is “affective computing”, where the computer understands and track the state of the mind of the patient and where the patient may communicate some information to the computer. In addition, clinical problems, such as attention deficit patients or onset of Alzheimer’s disease can be investigated. The student can potentially pursue his/her d-research in MS and PhD theses.

Coordinated Motion of 3D Particles Robot Flocks and Protein Folding

Principal Investigator (PI)

H. Işıl Bozma -




The purpose of this project is to study the motion of particles in 3-dimensional space with two applications in mind: motion planning of a flock of robots and protein folding. The student(s) will be participating in an ongoing MS project which has been studying the problem for some time and using/will be doing code development on a Java-based simulator designed and built with this purpose as well as a design on Webots -- a robot simulator environment.

Robot Sensory Feedback

Principal Investigator (PI)

H. Işıl Bozma -




The purpose of this project endow our second generation robot EDAR G2 with various sensory feedback capabilities – including limit switchs for the limitation of coordinate extensions, voltage level detection of the batteries and cameras for visual feedback.

Acoustic Condition and Speaker Segmentation in Broadcast News

Principal Investigator (PI)

Murat Saraçlar -




The purpose of this project is to segment broadcast news programs. Ideally each segment should include a single speaker and be marked by the speaker identity. In addition each segment should have similar acoustic conditions (i.e channel, background, style). This will enable us to adapt our baseline speech recognition system to individual speakers/acoustic conditions.

Automated Inspection and Sorting

Principal Investigator (PI)

H. Işıl Bozma -




Thepurpose of this project to develop a real-time vision-based automated inspection system using color cameras and Janome robot. The visual data coming from cameras will be processed in order to either i) learn new objects or ii) recognize an object based on the already learned set of classes.

Realization of a 200 Watt LLC Resonant Switch Mode Power Supply for LCD Television Sets.

Principal Investigator (PI)

Ömer Cerid -




Description of the project: This power supply may be used by BEKO if successful. The power supply will be composed of three sections: a) Power factor correction (PFC) b) LLC resonant main supply c) Standy-by auxiliary flyback type supply

8-bit Microcontroller Controlled Monochrome 10x56 Dot Matrix LED Display with Graphic Capabilities and RS-485 Multidrop Communication.

Principal Investigator (PI)

Ömer Cerid -




Not available. Contact the PI.

Microcontroller Controlled Chip Card Secure Door Entry System for BETA Laboratory.

Principal Investigator (PI)

Ömer Cerid -




Not available. Contact the PI.